Bite-sized blog post: Wendy Jo Carlton

Wendy Jo Carlton

WENDY JO CARLTON is based in Chicago and . Her most recent project is the web series Easy Abby (2013) tells the story of Abby, a 30-year old lesbian woman navigating the world of romance and life and is shot in Chicago.

Her feature film Hannah Free (2009) was based on the play of the same name by Claudia Allen. When she’s not directing Carlton works as a producer for PBS Television and Sirius Radio.

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Her Website
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Jamie and Jessie are Not Together blog
Wendy Jo Carlton: Rebel With a Camera

FILMOGRAPHY (from imdb):

 2012Easy Abby (TV Series)

 2009-2012Biz Kid$ (TV Series) (6 episodes)

What to Do with a Windfall (2012) … (profile segment)
It’s a Job Getting a Job! (2012) … (profile segment)
The Economics of Economics (2012) … (profile segment)
A World Without Taxes (2011) … (profile segment)
Are You Financially Literate? (2010) … (profile segment)
 2007If We Never Left This Room (Documentary short)
 2001The Boys in the Bean (Short)

Bite-sized blog post: Rosemary Rodriguez

Rosemary Rodriguez

After her first feature film Acts of Worship (2001) premiered at Sundance Film Festival ROSEMARY RODRIGUEZ began directing television thanks to the John Wells Women and Minority Fellowship.

Her film Silver Skies (2015) had Dennis Farina attached who Rodriguez had worked with on Law & Order and eh passed away two weeks before shooting. She dedicated the finished film to him.

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FILMOGRAPHY (from imdb):

The Good Wife (TV Series) (18 episodes)

Party (2016)
Judged (2016)
Discovery (2015)
Winning Ugly (2015) … (as Mary Rodriguez)
Open Source (2015)

 2016Outsiders (TV Series) (2 episodes)

Day Most Blessed (2016)
Trust (2016)

 2012-2016Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (TV Series) (2 episodes)

Father Dearest (2012)

 2015Jessica Jones (TV Series) (1 episode)

AKA 1,000 Cuts (2015)

 2015Empire (TV Series) (1 episode)

False Imposition (2015)

 2014Manhattan (TV Series) (1 episode)

The New World (2014)

 2014Rake (TV Series) (1 episode)

50 Shades of Gay (2014)

 2013Hell on Wheels (TV Series) (1 episode)

 2013Low Winter Sun (TV Series) (1 episode)

Catacombs (2013)

 2013Vegas (TV Series) (1 episode)

 2013Red Widow (TV Series) (1 episode)

The Captive (2013)

 2012Elementary (TV Series) (1 episode)

The Rat Race (2012)

 2012I Just Want My Pants Back (TV Series) (3 episodes)

Love Equation (2012)
A Piece of Cake (2012)
Safety Nets (2012)

 2011Covert Affairs (TV Series) (1 episode)

Horse to Water (2011)

 2011Hawthorne (TV Series) (3 episodes)

 2011Lights Out (TV Series) (1 episode)

The Comeback (2011)

 2010Blue Bloods (TV Series) (1 episode)

Re-Do (2010)

 2010Undercovers (TV Series) (1 episode)

Crashed (2010)

 2010White Collar (TV Series) (1 episode)

Company Man (2010)

 2010Criminal Minds (TV Series) (1 episode)

 2010Castle (TV Series) (1 episode)

The Third Man (2010)
 2010Pregnancy Pact (TV Movie)

 2009Rescue Me (TV Series) (3 episodes)

Initiation (2009)
Wheels (2009)
Control (2009)

 2009The Unusuals (TV Series) (1 episode)

The Tape Delay (2009)

 2008Canterbury’s Law (TV Series) (1 episode)

What Goes Around (2008)

 2006-2007Without a Trace (TV Series) (2 episodes)

Connections (2007)
Expectations (2006)

 2005Law & Order (TV Series) (1 episode)

Life Line (2005)

 2004-2005Third Watch (TV Series) (2 episodes)

Bite-sized blog post: Alicia Dwyer

Alicia Dwyer

ALICIA DWYER directed for the Independent Lens series The Calling.

Her work with PBS and ITVS on The Calling led to their distribution of her feature length film Xmas Without China (2013). She has also produced fiction films, including the feature Hostile Border (2015).

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Where to watch her films:





Read more about her:


Veracity Productions Website
Veracity Productions on Facebook
Find her on Twitter
Xmas Without China Website
Indiewire Interview
American Film Showcase
New Day Films

FILMOGRAPHY (from imdb):

 2013Nine To Ninety (Documentary short)
 2013Xmas Without China (Documentary)
 2010Starter Home (Short) (collaborating director)
 2010The Calling (Documentary)
 2010Independent Lens (TV Series documentary) (2 episodes)
 2008Homes and Homelands (Video documentary short) (collaborating director)
 2008Unbroken Circle (Video documentary short)

Bite-sized blog post: Aimee Lagos

Aimee Lagos

AIMEE LAGOS was active in theatre while at Washington University while studying social thought, analysis and legal studies. All of those experiences would culminate in her feature fiction film 96 Minutes (2011).

Her screenplay No Good Deed (2014) was directed by Sam Miller and starred Idris Elba.

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For filmmaker Aimee Lagos, ’96 Minutes’ took years to craft
Video Interview
Indiewire Interview
96 Minutes by alumna Aimee Lagos April 23

FILMOGRAPHY (from imdb):

 2003Underground (Short)

Bite-sized blog post: J.A. Steel

JA Steel

J.A. STEEL works as an actor and stunt woman as well as a director. She studied communications at USC while she was managing and promoting rock bands.

Her feature film The Third Society (2002) garnered interest in Hollywood but executives worried that the script was “too ethnic” so Steel produced the script herself. She formed her own company Warrior Entertainment.

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Her Website
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Warrior Entertainment Website
Horror Realm Film Festival Entry ‘Denizen’ Receives Director’s Cut


FILMOGRAPHY (from imdb):

 2016Death Key: Origins (Short)

 2014Denizen: Descent (TV Series) (14 episodes)

Burn (2014)
Boom (2014)
Fire Power (2014)
The Dead Walk (2014)
The Patriot (2014)
 2013Out of the Box (Video short)
 2010Dive the Deep Blue: Tiburon (Video documentary short)
 2010S.C.A.A.R. (Video short)
 2009A Change of Plans (Video short) (as Jacque Ruffner)
 2006Dive the Deep Blue (Documentary short)

Bite-sized blog post: Tracy Droz Tragos

Tracy Droz Tragos

TRACY DROZ TRAGOS is a documentary and narrative filmmaker who formed her company Dinky Pictures to “tell personal, intimate stories with a focused perspective, giving voice to people, families and circumstances that otherwise would go unnoticed.”

Her first film Be Good Smile Pretty (2003) was inspired by a photograph she found of her father taken the day he died in Vietnam and was part of the Independent Lens series on PBS.

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Her Website
PBS Interview
Filmmaker Magazine Interview
Daily Show clip
Kickstarter campaign for Rich Hill

FILMOGRAPHY (from imdb):

 2016Abortion: Stories Women Tell (Documentary)

 2003-2015Independent Lens (TV Series documentary) (2 episodes)

Rich Hill (2015)
 2014Rich Hill (Documentary) (co-director)

Bite-sized blog post: Sophie Barthes

Sophie Barthes

SOPHIE BARTHES’ most recent feature film brought to the screen Flaubert’s classic Madame Bovary (2014).

Her short film Happiness (2006) premiered at Sundance in 2007.

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Why Director Sophie Barthes Felt Compelled to Bring ‘Madame Bovary’ to the Big Screen For a Modern Audience

FILMOGRAPHY (from imdb):

 2012Hopper Stories (Short)
 2012La Muse (Short)
 2006Happiness (Short)
 2004Zimove vesilya (Short)

Bite-sized blog post: Lise Swenson

Lise Swenson

LISE SWENSON founded the ATA (Artists’ Television Access) in San Francisco in 1984 before directing her first feature film Mission Movie (2004), a massive collaborative endeavor with several of her students. She worked professionally as a producer and a director while continuing to inspire students.

Her next feature directorial endeavor Saltwater (2014) also included many of her students and after years in the making premiered in San Francisco in 2013.


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Read more about her:


Her Website
Saltwater Kickstarter page
Filmmakers set their sights on Mill Valley festival — and hope
323 Gallery
Saltwater film debuts after nearly two years
Creative Work Fund memorial
Directed by Women blog

FILMOGRAPHY (from imdb):


Bite-sized blog post: Vanessa Hope

Vanessa Hope

VANESSA HOPE directed several shorts about China before embarking on her feature length documentary film All Eyes and Ears (2015) addressing US-China relations.

Before becoming a filmmaker Hope studied law and worked in foreign policy. She is fluent in Chinese and and produced a web series for NYU’s U.S.-Asia Law Institute called Law, Life & Asia.


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Interv iew
Her documentary website
Tribeca 2015 Women Directors: Meet Vanessa Hope – “All Eyes and Ears”

FILMOGRAPHY (from imdb):

 2015All Eyes and Ears (Documentary)
 2015China Connection: Joan (Documentary short)
 2014China Connection: Jerry (Documentary short)
 2013China in Three Words (Documentary short)

Bite-sized blog post: Deborah Attoinese

Deborah Attoinese

DEBORAH ATTOINESE directed a documentary On Directing (2014) featuring directors Agnes Varda, Wim Wenders, Roland Joffe and Bille August which is available on Fandor.

Attoinese worked as a fashion photographer before making her first feature film Zoe (2001) which was screened at AFI, Palm Springs International Film Festival and other prestigious festivals.

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Her Website
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LA Times
Kickstarter page for Girl Knight
Alliance of Women Directors

FILMOGRAPHY (from imdb):

 2013On Directing (Documentary) (completed)
 2013Snail (Short)
 1997The Making of ‘Super Mario Brothers’ (TV Short documentary)