Bite-sized blog post: Debra Granik

Debra Granik

Before attending New York University’s MFA program in Film DEBRA GRANIK worked as a videographer for trade unions where she first became interested in characters and sharing their stories.

In 2011 her film Winter’s Bone was nominated for an Academy Award and catapulted Jennifer Lawrence into the category of A-list actor.

More to add to this “bite-sized blog” – please send us a comment!

Where to watch her films:



Read more about her:


“We’d Revert Back to the Idea of a Cauliflower”: Debra Granik on Stray Dog
Life After ‘Winter’s Bone’: Debra Granik on Finding J. Law and the Plight of the Female Director
Debra Granik: How we made ‘Winter’s Bone’
Film School Rejects
Filmmaker Magazine

FILMOGRAPHY (from imdb):

2015Independent Lens (TV Series documentary) (1 episode)
Stray Dog (2015)
2014Stray Dog (Documentary)
2010Winter’s Bone
2004Down to the Bone
1997Snake Feed (Short)

Bite-sized blog post: Lena Dunham



LENA DUNHAM began her career making short films that got tons of hits on Youtube.

Her parents told her that they would pay for her to go to graduate school or fund a feature film. Dunham chose to make her first feature Tiny Furniture (2010).

She went on to utilize social media to gain notoriety and create the hit series Girls for HBO.

 More to add to this “bite-sized blog” – please send us a comment!

Where to watch her films:




Read more about her:

Find her on Facebook
Find her on Twitter
It’s Different for ‘Girls’ – Lena Dunham’s new show is like nothing else on TV.
Find her on Instagram
Lena Dunham Website

FILMOGRAPHY (from imdb):

Girls (TV Series) (7 episodes, 2013 – 2014) (written by – 29 episodes, 2012 – 2015) (created by – 20 episodes, 2015 – 2016)

Episode #5.9 (2016) … (creator)
Episode #5.8 (2016) … (creator)
Episode #5.7 (2016) … (creator)
Episode #5.6 (2016) … (creator)
Episode #5.5 (2016) … (creator)
 2014/IIICover Girl (Short) (writer)
 2013Choose You (Short)
 2013/IBest Friends (Short) (written by)
 2012Nobody Walks (written by)
 2010Tiny Furniture (written by)
 2009Creative Nonfiction (written by)
 2009Delusional Downtown Divas (TV Series) (writer)
 2007Tight Shots (TV Series)
 2006Dealing (Short) (written by)

Bite-sized blog post: Deborah Kampmeier


Deborah Kampmeier

DEBORAH KAMPMEIER made her first film Virgin (2003) with a budget of only $65,000.00 thanks to digital technology and to actress Robin Wright who agreed to take part in the film despite the lack of a big budget because she loved the script and knew and respected Kampmeier. The film went on to critical acclaim and to receive the accolades of audiences.

Kampmeier’s second film Hounddog (2007) was plagued with controversy due to a rape scene involving the then 12 year old Dakota Fanning. The scene  in no way exploited Fanning due to the way in which it was shot but the controversy eclipsed the reality and ignored the horror of the story being told which is a reality for many young girls and focused on the fictional circumstances of the actress playing the scene. Kampmeier teaches acting in NYC and continues to direct.

 More to add to this “bite-sized blog” – please send us a comment!

Where to watch her films:



Read more about her:

Find her on Facebook
Find her on Twitter
Deborah Kampmeier’s Website – Full Moon Films
lunaxluna Interview
Agnes Films Interview
Fanning speaks up on Rape Scene

FILMOGRAPHY (from imdb):


Sometimes the best feminists are men…

I have to give a shout out to two of the men who helped make the Directed by Women – Short and Fun in NYC event happen. Eric Rice who made the program, Facebook banner image and helped coordinate – and Jesse Deganis Librera who shot our Q&A for us.

So there’s the negative aspect of the title of this blog post which is that, as much as I would like to think it’s not true, women can often undermine each other. But that’s a blog post in and of itself.

Group photo

And events like the Directed by Women series provide a wonderful counterpoint to that story. I have had nothing but incredible interactions with the talented women who took part in the screening series – and am inspired by Barbara Ann O’Leary’s endeavor and all of the women and men she has gathered to make this all happen.

So now for a few of the men in the equation…

Michael Nazarewycz with the MOT Film Society has put together a screening series to celebrate – check it out –

Eric Rice who helped us put on the Directed by Women – Short and Fun in NYC event has a project where he watches movies by female filmmakers and puts them out there on the twittersphere with #shecandowhatyoucando. Take part in this celebration by checking out the hastag via twitter and watch some of those movies. He has some features but many are shorts (some from established directors, some up and coming or lesser known gems). A great way to celebrate works Directed by Women.